Saturday, April 2, 2022

How To Hide All App Pages from iPhone Home Screen (iOS 14)

In iOS 14 you can hide all apps from your iPhone Home screen. This is done with the help of the new app page hiding feature and a hidden trick presented in this video.

The tutorial is recorded on an iPhone XS running iOS 14 Public Beta 3. We're not sure if hiding all apps from the iPhone Home Screen is a new feature or rather a glitch that will be filtered out before the public release.

Notice in the video how iOS 14 seems to require at least one app page to remain available. But when we apply the trick we manage to un-select all of them.

A bug does surface when we try to add the app pages back. Doing it the normal way via the pagination dots, crashes the app. A workaround is provided that requires you to first add a Home Screen widget, to create a new page, before the dots become active. Tap them and you will manage to bring back one or more hidden app pages.

For more details please visit: edit: Pronunciation error: iPhone 'Ten' S instead of iPhone XS. Sorry for that!


0:00 Start

0:18 Hide All Pages

0:55 Empty iPhone home screen

1:11 Bring back the apps

2:10 Conclusions

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