Tuesday, April 19, 2022

5 Time Saving Tips for Magic Movies & Storyboards in iMovie

I've been exploring the latest update in iMovie and have been having great fun creating short films using Storyboards and Magic Movies. As I've been exploring I've discovered 5 really helpful tips that I wanted to share with you. Two tips for Magic Movies, two for Storyboards and one that works on both.

So grab a coffee, relax and get ready to level-up your iMovie game!

Want more information about Storyboards or Magic Movies?

Check out my getting-started videos here:

Storyboards: Movies: Introduction

00:15 Tip 1: Re-Order Clips

01:11 Tip 2: Create Groups

02:18 Tip 3: Edit Clip Length

03:22 Tip 4: Edit + Duplicate Placeholders

04:54 Tip 5: Storyboard Templates

Recommended Reading >> bit.ly/32kRpzw

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