I've been exploring the latest update in iMovie and have been having great fun creating short films using Storyboards and Magic Movies. As I've been exploring I've discovered 5 really helpful tips that I wanted to share with you. Two tips for Magic Movies, two for Storyboards and one that works on both.
So grab a coffee, relax and get ready to level-up your iMovie game!
Want more information about Storyboards or Magic Movies?
Check out my getting-started videos here:
Storyboards: Movies: Introduction
00:15 Tip 1: Re-Order Clips
01:11 Tip 2: Create Groups
02:18 Tip 3: Edit Clip Length
03:22 Tip 4: Edit + Duplicate Placeholders
04:54 Tip 5: Storyboard Templates
Recommended Reading >> bit.ly/32kRpzw
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