Friday, January 28, 2022

How to Set-Up and Use the DIGITAL LEGACY Feature on iOS 15.2

Have you ever wondered what would happen to all of your photos, documents and data that's stored on your iPhone or iPad after you die? Well up until now it would most likely be lost forever, inaccessible to even your partner or children as they weren't the named account holder.

Thankfully, in iOS 15.2 we can now set up Legacy Contacts through the iCloud Digital Legacy system which means you can nominate people to have access to your account and (most importantly) your content) after you've gone. This simple and easy-to-follow video will guide you through setting this important feature up to ensure you have peace of mind about your own Digital Legacy.

I hope you find this #QuickTip video helpful, if you do please do consider subscribing to my YouTube Channel where I have hundreds more tips and tricks videos to help you get the most out of the technology you already own.

Keywords: Apple Digital Legacy | Digital Legacy iOS 15.2 | How to set up a Legacy Contact on iPhone and iPad

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