Tuesday, November 17, 2020

iPhone 12 Price: What Apple DIDN'T Tell You!

iPhone 12 Price: What Apple DIDN'T Tell You!

iPhone 12 & iPhone 12 mini Features: the TechSquad for bonuses: just announced the new iPhone 12 price and iPhone 12 mini price, and I’ve got a video giving you a rundown of everything that’s new, and I’ll include a link down below if you want to check that out. But one thing that many don’t realize is that the iPhone 12 and iPhone 12 mini may actually cost more than you’re expecting to pay for it. Hit that subscribe button as I have a bunch of iPhone 12 content coming up, and let’s get into it.

You see, Apple announced the starting price of the iPhone 12 mini at $699 and the iPhone 12 at $799. Typically, that means that anyone who wants the entry level model would pay those prices, and anyone who wants additional storage would pay more…but this year, there’s an additional catch that Apple didn’t mention during the keynote.

The catch is that the $699 and $799 price points only apple to Verizon and AT&T customers in the US.

This means that if you’re a T-Mobile customer, a Sprint customer, or even if you’re someone who just wants to buy an unlocked model directly from Apple - you’ll actually be paying $30 more for that same 64GB iPhone 12 or 12 mini.

It should be stated that this only applies to the 12 and 12 mini, and not the iPhone 12 Pro or Pro Max, which costs the same no matter which carrier you are on.

This $30 price increase also applies to the higher capacity storage. So if you’re a T-Mobile customer for example, rather than $799, $849, and $949 for the 64, 128, and 256GB iPhone 12, you’ll be paying $829, $879, and $979 respectively.

#Apple #iPhone12 #iPhone12mini #AppleEvent

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Recommended Reading >> bit.ly/32kRpzw

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